We Provide Personalized Treatment

Dr. Jaquery believes in providing personalized treatment based on each patient’s individual needs. When you visit our office, she will perform an examination and discuss your concerns before creating a personalized treatment plan. Treatments you may have received in the past or that may work for other patients may not benefit your current and future oral health. She also doesn’t hesitate to try and find a solution when a treatment may not be successful.

Veneers Before & After: Check Out This Incredible Smile

Do you look at the smiles of movie stars and other celebrity personalities with awe because their teeth are perfect? You can have a movie star smile too, and we can help with veneers! Veneers are designed to cover imperfections in teeth that are visible when you smile and talk. This popular treatment can help you achieve the beautiful smile you desire. We have provided veneers to many of our patients and have remarkable before and after pictures to share. Read on to learn more about this treatment and see the before and after pictures.

Check Out These Results!

Experiencing tooth loss can come with a variety of emotions. Some patients are eager to replace their missing teeth as soon as possible, while others wait to replace them. Unfortunately, the longer a patient waits to replace their teeth, the more complications they will experience with their oral health. We help patients every day who are in need of a tooth replacement. In fact, we help many patients who have been missing teeth for years and need not only to replace one tooth but a full mouth restoration. We would love to share the results of a patient who recently replaced her missing teeth with our help. Read on to see the results and learn more about the importance of replacing missing teeth.